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FAA Safety Team Seminar on Lats & Longs, The Nautical Mile, Time Zones and Zulu presented by Prashanth Elangovan Chief Flight Instructor Avel Flight School | Chennai Flight School

FAA Safety Team Seminar on Lats & Longs, The Nautical Mile, Time Zones and Zulu presented by Prashanth Elangovan Chief Flight Instructor Avel Flight School


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Title: Lats & Longs, The Nautical Mile, Time Zones and Zulu 
Date and Time: Saturday, November 09, 2013 , at 9:00 am
Speaker: Prashanth Elangovan       
Brief Description: Latitudes and Longitudes, its relationship with the Nautical Mile, Time Zones, Zulu time and Geographical  coordinates were explained. 
Location of Seminar: Avel Flight School, Schaumburg (06C)