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FAA Safety Team Seminar on Planning and Flying with the iPad and iPhone presented by Mike Sandman | Chennai Flight School

FAA Safety Team Seminar on Planning and Flying with the iPad and iPhone presented by Mike Sandman

Title: Planning and Flying with the iPad and iPhone 
Date and Time: Saturday, December 07, 2013 , starting at 1:30 pm
Speaker(s): Mike Sandman       
Brief Description: You’ll see how to use Foreflight and Weathermeister to get weather and check Notams both at your departure and destination, and 25 miles along your planned route. Checking the weather is so fast and easy on the iPad and iPhone that you’ll have time to do it the night before your flight, several times before heading out to the airport, and just before you get in the plane.Weather and Notams are as dynamic as you can get. It used to be a pain constantly checking weather and Notams to have a safe and legal flight. Now it’s cheap and easy – so you should never get caught not knowing.

You’ll know as much as the briefer. You may decide to get an abbreviated briefing when you call FSS, which you still have to do to check for the latest TFRs (and to get your briefing on tape).
If you use DUATS you’ll see how to file and get the DUTAS information for your trip sent right to you by email, but being an expert at abbreviations and geography isn’t needed when you have the decoded information and the G-Airmet (graphical Airmet) in front of you.

We’ll use a simulator to take the trip after we plan it. Once we’re in the air we’ll see the easy ways to keep track of where we are, airspaces, how well we’re doing staying on route, and the weather along the way using cellular (3G) or an ADS-B receiver. You’ll see why using Stratus in the air with Foreflight to avoid cells is a bad idea compared to XM, and how to deal with the 10 minute average delay between what you see out the windscreen and on the iPad / XM display.

We’ll pick an approach at the destination and see how Foreflight can improve your situational awareness. An EFB is allowed on an IFR checkride by most DEs as supplemental information and for plates, which is where the iPhone really comes in handy as a backup for charts (iPad and iPhone use is included with both Foreflight and WingX for no extra charge).

We’ll also take a look at WingX while we’re in the air, which is just as capable as Foreflight for navigation (not for weather or Notams) and includes a form of Synthetic Vision (not for useful for landing) for terrain and obstacles.  Both Foreflight and WingX have terrain and obstacle overlay databases built-in.

You’ll see how stress-free it is to divert when you have all the information you need to fly into any unfamiliar airport safely, at your fingertips. You’ll see extended runway lines with the number of the runway at the end of each line, and Foreflight will show you suggested VFR pattern entries for each route.

After the seminar there will be plenty of time for questions. You can also stick around and ask questions on connecting from Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (FS9) or Flight Simulator X (FSX) to your own iPhone or iPad with Foreflight or WingX right in your home.

Lunch at 1:00 pm
Seminar starts at 1:30 pm 


Location of Seminar: Avel Flight School, Schaumburg
905 West Irving Park Road
Schaumburg, IL 60193
Directions to Venue: Event will be held in the Meeting Room at Schaumburg Regional Airport. To reach the meeting room, use the main entrance (same as Pilot Pete’s), go down stairs and follow the hallway signs.
Fly-in Seminar?: Yes  06C
Contact Information: PRASHANTH ELANGOVAN
Phone: (630) 550-1606
Additional Event Information & Acknowledgement of Industry Sponsor(s): Event sponsored by Avel Flight School. 


For more details, please click the link below:
