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FAA Safety Team Seminar on Meteorology and Flight Safety presented by Prashanth Elangovan Chief Flight Instructor of Avel Flight School | Chennai Flight School

FAA Safety Team Seminar on Meteorology and Flight Safety presented by Prashanth Elangovan Chief Flight Instructor of Avel Flight School


Avel Flight School Flight Safety Ground Classes Avel Flight School Ground Classes

Avel Flight School Ground School Avel Flight School Lecture

Avel Flight School Seminar on Meteorology Avel Flight School Seminar

Avel Flight School Wings Seminar


Title Meteorology and Flight Safety
Topic This seminar covered Fundamentals of Meteorology and impact of meteorology on flight safety.


Date and Time Saturday, March 16, 2013 , at 8:30 am 
Speaker Prashanth Elangovan
Brief Description This seminar was sponsored by Avel Flight School.
Location of Seminar Avel Flight School, Schaumburg Regional Airport (06C)