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Terms and Conditions of Scholarship Exam | Chennai Flight School

Terms and Conditions of Scholarship Exam

Minimum requirement to apply:

1. Must be at least 17 years of age 2.  Must be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language fluently 3. Prospective students seeking a scholarship for Pilot License must obtain at least a Class III medical certificate from an Aviation Medical Examiner. 4. Must be of good moral character. 5. Passing this exam one time, will offer scholarship that can be applied towards PPL, IR and CPL.

Registration Fee : Rs.1,000.00 Mode of Payment : Cash / Demand Draft. The demand draft should be in favour of “Flight Point Aviation Private Limited” payable at Chennai. Fee paid is non refundable.Registration of the candidate for the examination is not guaranteed, if any of the columns in the form is not filled in. Candidates should not send more than one application, at a time, for the examination.

Candidates are advised to arrive at the examination center 15 minutes ahead of time. Candidates will not be admitted to leave the examination room after the commencement of the examination. Candidates must sit at their designated seats. Before entering the examination room all candidates must show a valid government photo ID such as a passport, student ID card, or driver’s license, so their names and personal data can be checked against the registration list for the examination. Those who fail to produce such identification will not be allowed to take the examination. Each candidate’s photo ID must be verifiable without a doubt. During the examination the photo ID must be placed on the candidate’s desk in such a way that the proctor can inspect it. The proctor will ascertain that the personal data on the answer sheet matches the data on the photo ID.

Candidates are not allowed to bring dictionaries and technical devices for storage and transmission of information including but not limited to electronic calendars, mobile phones, pagers, calculators, scan pens, cameras and other electronic devices inside the examination room. Candidates are required to bring their own pen / pencils / erasers / sharpeners. Only the following items may be placed on the candidates’ desks: hall tickets, Identity proof, examination booklets, pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners. All personal and study items must be placed at the designated areas during the examination. Drinking, eating or smoking during the examination is not permitted. Candidates must adhere to strict silence, remain seated at all times and raise hands if assistance is required. Should an emergency alarm be raised during the examination, candidates should await and adhere to further instructions from the proctor.

Candidates are not allowed to remove any stationery supplied by Chennai Flight School from the examination room. All examination and study materials both electronic and non-electronic medium that are property of Chennai Flight School must be returned as they are protected by copyright. Under no circumstances may candidates remove completed examination booklets or parts of the examination booklets from the examination hall. The following are expressly prohibited but not limited to copying, publishing, exhibiting, quoting, transmitting, showing or storing any texts, images, sound recordings or digital recordings of examination material including question paper. All exams must be checked immediately upon finishing and be assessed for accuracy and completeness. Only one candidate at a time will be allowed to leave the room. Candidates who finish their examination early and leave may not re-enter the examination hall.

Proctors reserve the right to confiscate items deemed prohibited during the examination. Chennai Flight School will not be liable for any personal injury to the candidate or loss, theft or damage of personal property of the candidate during the examination or while in the examination room. All examination results are determined at Chennai Flight School,according to standardized procedures. Decisions made by Chennai Flight School management is final. An appeal cannot be made for the re-evaluation or assessment of examination. No legal action can be taken in disputes in which claims are raised against Chennai Flight School as to annulment, revision or the issue of examination results. A candidate is only eligible to take the scholarship examination once. Re-examination is not allowed.

Candidates who cheat, attempt to cheat, use unauthorized aids or allow others to use them, will be removed from the examination immediately. In this case, there will be no assessment or rating of the examination. The decision to remove a candidate will be made by the proctor. This decision cannot be appealed or challenged. If evidence that cheating has occurred is found only after the conclusion of the examination, Chennai Flight School will declare the respective examination invalid.

Any candidate who has been declared guilty of the following will be rejected or immediately removed from the examination room:

Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any illegal means including but not limited to impersonation; submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered; making statements which are incorrect or false, suppressing material information; resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature for the examination; using unfair means during the examination; writing irrelevant or obscene language in the script, misbehaving in any other manner in the examination room, harassing or doing bodily harm to anyone.

Minimum pass percentage in all aviation examinations under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is 70%. Chennai Flight School will follow the ICAO standard for pass percentage.

If a scholarship is awarded, the enrollment should be done within 4 weeks from the date of result announcement. If an enrollment is not received within this prescribed time period, the scholarship is null and void.

To enroll click here